Monday, 25 January 2010

In Which DB Just Can't Connect With the Reverend

At the time of writing DB is sitting with a big, smug grin on her face for today has been what I would call a CPD...constructive planning day.
Not only have I managed to come up with the final design for my wedding dress (with more than a little help from my brilliant mother) I have also decided on the fabric and colour of said dress, ditto the bridesmaids and booked the wedding car ( All this without breaking a sweat.
But before I pat myself on the back as a job well done and leave you all clapping in admiration I do have to confess to to one little task I did not pull off with aplomb...I just can't seem to connect with the Reverend!!
Now this is the man that is more than a little essential in the smooth running of our wedding day as well as the rehearals and regular church outings that go before it. All said this is not a good predicament and something must be done. I have to re-establish a connection!
At this point I feel I may be misleading you a little. The connection I am talking about here is not one of a spiritual, mental or even amicable kind, it's is more of a wireless one that involves that wonder of modern technology, the mobile phone. The problem is simple, the telephone number I have for Reverend Lowe, the same number on the notice board outside the church that I have checked, re-checked and then checked again just to make sure, comes back at me with a long, dull and damn right frustrating tone. It doesn't even connect when I try it one last time for the 100th time that day!
So my conclusion is thus. Either my mobile is actually a demon in disguise that would burn up and explode on connection to a man of the church (which is highly unlikely) or the Reverend's number has changed and they have forgotten to update it on the notice board (that I have checked, re-checked and checked again).
Therefore, I am going to have to go back to a time long forgotten, a time when telecommunications was a distant and unheard of phenomenon and dragons lived in caves breathing fire on valiant knights, and actually visit the man in person. Either that or dust off my quill and ink and penn a letter requesting and audience with him which I shall send by carrier pigeon.
Alternatively I could send him an email with the address I got today and hope that hasn't changed either. Yet I can't help thinking that the pen and ink sounds so much more romantic and that modern technology has no real place in the age old tradition ceremony of marriage. Therefore, watch this space, I'm off to find me a pigeon!

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