Thursday, 4 February 2010

In Which the Reverend has a Sex Change

Now I don't want to cause you any alarm, but this week I discovered a startling fact...the Reverend has changed sex!!

Now this, I'm sure you would agree, is a rather scandalous and news worthy piece of information and definitely something to get them all in a flutter at the local WI. Well, at least it would be if I wasn't misleading you all somewhat with my telling of this story. The truth is that our original Reverend has passed the buck and is off on his jollys leaving the unenviable task of orcestrating our nuptials to a female Revervend known as Jan, who according to my mother seems 'very nice.' I can only take her word for it as my trips to the church have been few and far between of late, something of course I shall endeavour to rectify in the oncoming months!

So, as the Man Rev suns himself in some sunnier climes the Woman Rev will be teaching me and the other half the ways of the Lord and helping him and I to make an honest woman/man of ourselves. I hope she has a strong and unfaltering belief in her faith because I feel she's going to need it!

Apart form this, the only final piece of wedding news I have to report this week is that I am well on my way to making a final decision on the wedding stationary e.g invites, name cards etc and couldn't be happier with the company I have chosen to produce these exquisite works of art. Click onto and you'll be given a wide range of both contemporary and retro/vintage styles to chose from. Not only this but Vicky will accomodate and rework any of her templates to precisely fit what you have in mind to make your statinonary original and individual to your big day.

Phew, at the risk of sounding like a PR tool for said company I am off to finish my bottle of Sauvignon (yes, I am now back off the wagon, and would not recommend sobriety to anyone!) and I'm going to swill away any thoughts of impending nuptials...until tomorrow that is, where it's nose back to the grindstone and guest lists to chew over...better stock up on the rosé then.

Untill next time.

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