Friday, 9 April 2010

In Which DB Starts to Panic

Well hello stranger!! Yes, I know, it's been way too long, but then don't you always find that you have far more interesting conversations with people you haven't seen for a while rather than those you see all the time? There's only so many times you can ask how's your day been before you begin to get bored of the same old reply, so I thought I'd wait until I had something interesting to report. And that thing that is so interesting is this...I'm really starting to panic!

I'm sure this is perfectly normal and that every bride to be experiences some degree of anxiety. It's not that I'm having doubts or considering dusting off the cobwebs on my Nikés and beating a hasty retreat. Believe me, I know a good thing when I see it. It's just that I'm beginning to realise how much work and meticulous planning go into organising the perfect wedding and i'm not convinced I'm cut out for the job.
A good day in my world is one where I remember to brush my teeth before I leave for work. Honestly, there have been times when I've driven half way to the yard and realised the somewhat stale and stuffy air isn't coming from outside but is infact caused by the fur still coating my molars as a result of the curry I scoffed the night before. Dilema, do I turn around and risk being late or do I continue and risk the embarrassing whispers of my colleagues muttering 'halitosis' behind my back? The answer is usually the latter, but I do however always carry extra strong gum. Toothpaste in a tab!!! And before you start thinking that I have complete disregard for dental hygiene this is not something that happens every week, just maybe once a month. It's a terrible infliction!
So how do I calm the nerves and turn my muddled brain into a organised and logical one? How do I take the endless list of 'to-do's' and turn them into 'dones'? How do I take my preverbial head out of the preverbial sand and start checking off that list in earnest? Any of you out there who have been where I am now and have come out the otherside proud and in the knowledge that they pulled off the perfect day then please pass on your secret as I am feeling more than a little overwhelmed with the enormity of it all. In the name of sanity pass forth your wisdom and help this demented bride!!

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